Friday 12 September 2014

From the Ashes

The news from Manchester this morning is yet another reminder of the acts of sheer cruelty that are carried out in this world and, as is so often the case, against those who can't protect themselves.
However, out of the darkness of such cruelty invariably comes a beacon of honest to goodness, human decency.

I've often heard the word hero loosely bandied about when referring to, let's use an example here......sports people.
Does trying to put a small ball into a hole for ridiculous amounts of money, or kicking a ball around a patch of grass for ninety minutes, again for absolutely crazy money, make someone a hero.......what nonsense, of course it doesn't.

To me a hero is someone who does or achieves something for a greater good, to help others and simply make our world a better place.....quite often putting their lives on the line in the process.

There have been countless tales of unbelievable acts of heroism down the years, and the stories of sheer bravery, kindness and of people uniting as one for a common goal, coming from the ashes of the tragedy at the Manchester and Cheshire Dogs' Home overnight, bear testimony to the goodness and courage that exists within the human spirit.  

'Bravery doesn't mean you aren't scared, it means you go anyway.........' 

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